Friday, April 24, 2009

Q&A: Do you do Harp & Bowl style worship?

Question: Do you do harp & bowl style worship?

Answer: Yes and... no.

At the moment, I (Jennifer Gracey) am the only one who plays a musical instrument (guitar) and attends regularly.

I don't consider myself a worship leader or for that matter all that skilled with the guitar (self-taught, started in Jan. 2006) though, the heart and passion I have for worship are the driving forces which compel me to attempt to lead others in any kind of musical God experience. I will say, the Holy Spirit likes to show up :-) so, at the very least- His presence will manifest and that's always a huge blessing!

Harp & Bowl is a rather new concept in Japan as is the HOP model so both are going to have a season of growing into. We have a very loose form of harp & bowl that is definately the begining of what will eventually become the full blown harp & bowl model many are familiar with.

Right now, because of our location, we can't do much musical worship on Monday sessions. However, our Wednesday sessions lend themselves more to the environment for Harp & Bowl style worship.

We do our best with what we've got and are waiting with great expectation for the day Abba sends us a full fledged worship team.


  1. Hey, the 'day of small beginnings' is a good thing. I pray that you guys can record your sessions soon. There is a hunger for contemporary worship music in Japanese among those of us who are learning the language. I am praying that some day soon I will be able to add songs to the worship movement there.

  2. thanks for that comment!
    i too am excited to see what the worship movement will grow into :-)

    with great anticipation,
