Sunday, February 15, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: Change of Schedule

Hello everyone!

There is a minor change in schedule for this coming Monday's session.
Due to an unexpected scheduling conflict, the session on Feb. 16, 2009 will be canceled.

The Wednesday, Feb. 18th session will continue as planned.

Please scroll below for a more detailed outline of the schedule for February. Thanks so much!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

LINKS: Apostolic Passion & Church Planting

Hello again!

Here is another great link. This one is to Floyd & Sally McClung's website. This article that he wrote, I first heard about on Jaeson Ma Audio CD's from a House Church Planting conference. The name of the conference was Organic Church Movements Conference and was presented by Church Multiplication Associates (Jan. 26-28, 2007) in Long Beach, CA.

According to Jaeson, this article profoundly affected him and I have to say, I agree. There is something in it that dares you to live like this. It's amazing and I think every true God follower should consider this a "must read" at least once per year.

Here is the link to the article: Apostolic Passion

Here are a few more links:

Jaeson Ma
Church Multiplication Associates


Friday, February 6, 2009


Hello Tribe!

Here are some great links I think you will enjoy and be greatly blessed by. They are from IHOP-KC.
Please check them out when you have a spare moment!

free downloads, teachings & even a worship CD

onething conference 2008

I'd like to strongly recommend watching the episode titled, "God is Returning to Earth" They have a short presentation by Exodus Cry, a division of IHOP-KC, which is dedicated to prayer & intercession for human trafficking

This is one of the primary areas of prayer focus for our HOP in 2009 and it is a good introduction.

"...anything you pray for, you will receive a deep wisdom & insight as you pray on it..." Mike Bickle, Director IHOP-KC "God is Returning to Earth OneThing Conference '08"


Monday, February 2, 2009

COMING SOON: prayer focus for 2009

Hello tribe!

This is just a quick note to let you know, more indepth details will be posted soon on The Altar IHOP, Tokyo's main prayer focus for 2009.

Thanks for your patience and check back frequently in the next week for updates.