Monday, September 28, 2009

Q&A: Does IHOP have a meaning?

Question: Does IHOP have a meaning?

Answer: There are technically two ways to read "IHOP" One way is actually from part of a prophetic word given to Mike Bickle, Senior Director, of The International House of Prayer, Kansas City (IHOP-KC) by Bob Jones in the very early days. It goes like this:
I =      Intercession
H =    Heart of Jesus
O =    Offerings to the Poor (i.e. orphans & widows)
P =     Prophetic
These are very important elements of the core vision and function of a House of Prayer.

The other way to read "IHOP" is the one most are familiar with and goes like this:

I =      International
H =    House
O =    Of
P =     Prayer
The best way to understand "IHOP" is to think of it in the following terms:

An International House of Prayer (IHOP) is a place where the body of Christ can find people who choose to Intercede for the things God puts on their heart to pray. i.e. the lost, human trafficking, 7 mountains, etc... It is a group of people who desire to know and have the true heart of Christ. It is a group of people who are dedicated to giving to the poor and especially helping orphans & widows. It is also a group of people who walk in the prophetic believing this is one means by which they can draw closer to the Father.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

UPDATE: The Altar IHOP, Tokyo WEBSITE!!!

Hi there tribe!

We are so excited to let you know that our website is now online and running.

We're about 95% completed so there are a few pages and features that are not on display at the moment but, are in the works and coming very soon. The other languages are also in the works and will be coming eventually.

We'll get started making the Japanese available in the next month or so, please keep checking back for those additions as well.

Okay then... without any further adieu our URL:

be sure to share the link with family & friends!
