Monday, August 10, 2009

Interesting Timing?

This is the second time an earthquake has occurred while I was praying.

The first time was at home alone in the very early hours of the morning after a very, very intense night of prayer.

The second time was this evening (Sunday, August 9.2009) with the altar IHOP, tokyo tribe while in prayer over Japan. At the time the earthquake struck, 7:55pm Japan Time, we were praying for the government of Japan and declaring that the seat of heaven's government was THE seat of government over the nation.

This is significant in many ways though, one large one being due to our location. We meet in Kanda which, when translated literally means "God's field" or "The field of God." Kanda is in Tokyo and is part of the Chiyoda Ward. This area is the seat of government for the nation of Japan and contains all of the major national governmental offices and various departments.

So, the implied translation of "Kanda" can be "the field of God's government."

I find it no small irony that the earth shook at exactly the time we were declaring in unity with a small tribe of 10 that Kanda was indeed the field of God's heavenly government made manifest on the earth.

We were praying for the prime minister and the elections coming up at the end of the month. We were praying for God to prepare the hearts of a people who would be worshiping Him soon. We were praying for wisdom, understanding, righteousness, justice and many other things to be made manifest in the government of the nation. We were praying for Abba to prepare the hearts of the people for the day there will be prayer rooms established in the Diet building including the intercessors & musicians whose job's would be full time in those prayer rooms.

We were praying for nothing less than a reformation & transformation of a nation- we were asking for the Kingdom of Heaven to invade Japan....

...could it be that Abba sent us a sign to confirm our prayers have been heard? I would so very much like to say "yes."

CNNnews report Link: click here



2度目はこの夜、(2009年8月9日、日曜日)The Altar IHOP東京の皆様と一緒に、日本のために祈っているときに起こりました。










日本の地震に関するCNNニュースリポートのリンク: click here

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