Sunday, February 20, 2011

Word for Japan | 2011

Word for Japan | January 19, 2011
Jennifer Gracey
The Altar IHOP, Tokyo

Word for Japan 
Oh Japan, don’t you know that one drop of Jesus’ blood was enough to cover your sins? Just one drop! All it would have taken was one drop but He gave it all. He gave it all.

You’ve been wounded and struck deeply in many different ways but where I wound, I heal says the Lord. Where I wound, I heal. I will make you, if you are willing to go where I will lead, like my Son- the Wounded Healer. For it was by His stripes that you are healed and where your stripes have been the deepest, I will use them to bring the greatest healing to the nations.

I want you to know and get a revelation of how beautiful you are to me. For I do not see you through the same eyes with which you see yourself. I see you through Jesus and you are oh so beautiful to me. Your worship is beautiful. Your songs are beautiful. Your prayers are beautiful. I do not rate your performance or your beauty on the score of a test or how well you perform your ceremonies. I rate you on how you love me. I want to… I am about to release a revelation to the church… to my Japanese bride of how beautiful she is. Oh, just wait. Just wait and see!

Japan, don’t you know you were created to be a worshiping, praying people? You already have houses of prayer on nearly every corner! The thing is, they are presently temples and shrines. You’re just confused about which god is God but that will be remedied soon!

My people, missionaries, the ones who co-labor with Me in this nation, I want to give you a new way to see these things. So many of you have focused on casting out devils and demons from the temples and shrines but I tell you, there’s another way. A more excellent way!
I want to dare you to do it and see what happens!

Instead of spending your time casting out devils and demons (that’s My job anyway) I want to challenge you to simply go stand in front of these places and prophesy to them. Prophesy to the land they are built on… prophesy “You will become a church in the name of Jesus.”

That’s it. It’s so simple. I am going to make this easy for you. Simply prophesy to the land and to creation to come into alignment with My Word and My divine order. 

1 comment:

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