Saturday, May 22, 2010

Answered Prayers: "...and O that a spirit of repentance would fall..."

For a number of years now, the Lord has been stirring the hearts of Japanese, Asian and non-Asian alike in the matter of repentance. As a house of prayer, our part in this stirring is to pray this into a daily reality. Since we held our first prayer meeting in November of 2008, God has brought believers across our paths one by one with the same cry of intercession in their hearts and spirits.

In fact, one of the prayer points on our 10+1 prayer list is for a spirit of repentance to fall upon the church of Japan that she may repent for the sins of the church towards the people of Japan and Asia. This is something we've been praying for with diligence for over a year now- having joined ranks with the voices of all those who've ever cried out to the heights of heaven with this matter heavy on their minds.

At the end of the Tokyo 2010 Conference, it seems the Lord set things in motion to cause that prayer to begin to manifest in a very big way. So big, it even made a post on the Elijah List. Please rejoice in the greatness of our God as you read the article in the link below. This indeed is heavens response to golden bowls filled with prayer and incence.

Elijah List Breaking Christian News Link
Christian Today Australia Full Story Link


  1. JG - AMAZING - ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!! That has encouragment for you and the entire prayer movement written all over it - you GO girl!!!! MUCH love, t and the LI crew. ; )

  2. Please continue to update this blog! I want to know more about how God is working in Japan! God bless!
