Answer: The offering collections are divided between the HOP and Cafe Decision.
Generally speaking we sow 5,000 yen per session (about $50 USD) into Cafe Decision to help cover rent, utilites, etc...
The additional goes to Jennifer to help cover transportation to and from Tokyo (3,000 yen round trip/$30 USD) and other HOP expenses.
From November 2008 until March 2009 (5 months), all of the offering that was received went to Cafe Decision and was not calculated by the HOP.
Starting from April 2009, all offering given specifically to the Altar IHOP, Tokyo will be calculated, accounted for and distributed accordingly. This is due to the requirements of the mission organization that we are applying with for registry as ministry within the USA.
Side note: This is the same mission organization that covers The Altar IHOP in Meadville, PA. More details to be provided at a later time on this.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the financial management of The Altar IHOP, Tokyo please contact us.
If you would like to contribute and support us financially, please also contact us.
The Altar IHOP, Tokyo
just a note:
ReplyDeletethere will be some updates & revisions to this in the near future...
please stay tuned!