Paul & Nancy Nethercott and Yu Shibuya are some individuals that I've interacted with in varying degrees in recent history. It was a pleasant surprise to see all three of them appear in this video.
I've been in Japan since 1999 and involved with active ministry since about 2004. At this point, I have a pretty fair feeling for the culture and environment of the nation. I think this video is a very, very accurate picture of how things are in this day both inside and outside of the church.
The church is starting to recognize more and more, in order to reach the nation, things have got to change in our approach to "doing" ministry.
This is where the houses of prayer, in their many forms, are a keystone. Churches all over are starting to incorporate "prayer rooms" and reports of houses of prayer getting started are coming from all directions in these last 6 months.
The house of prayer movement starting to sweep over Japan in this hour is one of those vital changes that needs to take place.
If we, as believers, desire to see any manner of lasting change sweep the eastern nations we must firmly fix prayer and time spent with Jesus as an utmost priority establishing it even as the foundation of our walk with Him.It will be from and within this dwelling place that we- the body of Christ- will emerge with the plans and strategies necessary for disipling and transforming the nations and subsequently the region.
My hope is that through watching this video (it's about 25 minutes) you will have a better idea of how to pray not only for the Japanese people themselves but also, how the church needs to be built up in this season.
If you have any questions after watching this video and would like more information on ministry in Japan, direction on how to pray or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.
video: TEAM Japan, "A New Generation"
until His Glory covers the East,
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