Monday, April 27, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: May 2009 Schedule

Konichiwa minasama!
Please see below for May's sessions. We will have fewer sessions this month due to "Golden Week" as the cafe will be closed. The owner is taking a well deserved and much needed break.

There is also a special event this month! We are going to have our first of three "Night Watch" sessions which are scheduled between now and September. The session is open to all but an RSVP is required. The maximum number my place can hold is 12 and the minimum number of persons to conduct the event is 3.

Looking forward to what God is going to bring about in the next month!

May 4th, 7-9pm

No session scheduled.
Due to Golden Week, Japanese series of National Holidays.

May 6th, 7-9pm

No session scheduled.
Due to Golden Week, Japanese series of National Holidays

May 11th, 7-9pm

Session as regularly scheduled.

May 13th, 7-9pm

Session as regularly scheduled.

May 18th, 7-9pm

Session as regularly scheduled.

May 20th, 7-9pm

Session as regularly scheduled.

May 24th-25, 6pm-6am

NIGHT WATCH Session #1
RSVP required

*please refer to this link for more details: NIGHT WATCH SESSION POST


May 25th, 7-9pm

No session scheduled.

Due to Night Watch session.

May 27th, 7-9pm

Session as regularly scheduled.
こんにちは 皆様!5月のセッションスケジュールは下記をご覧ください。

お知らせ 2009年5月 スケジュール

月曜日 5月 4日, 7-9pm ゴールデンウィークのためお休みします。

水曜日 5月 6日, 7-9pm 後日お知らせします。

月曜日 5月 11日, 7-9pm 通常通り行われます。

水曜日 5月 13日, 7-9pm 通常通り行われます。

月曜日 5月 18日, 7-9pm 通常通り行われます。

水曜日 5月 20日, 7-9pm 通常通り行われます。

月曜日 5月 25日, 7pm-9am 通常通り行われます。

水曜日 5月 27日, 7-9pm 通常通り行われます。

Q&A: Where does the offering go?

Question: Where does the offering go?

Answer: The offering collections are divided between the HOP and Cafe Decision.

Generally speaking we sow 5,000 yen per session (about $50 USD) into Cafe Decision to help cover rent, utilites, etc...

The additional goes to Jennifer to help cover transportation to and from Tokyo (3,000 yen round trip/$30 USD) and other HOP expenses.

From November 2008 until March 2009 (5 months), all of the offering that was received went to Cafe Decision and was not calculated by the HOP.

Starting from April 2009, all offering given specifically to the Altar IHOP, Tokyo will be calculated, accounted for and distributed accordingly. This is due to the requirements of the mission organization that we are applying with for registry as ministry within the USA.

Side note: This is the same mission organization that covers The Altar IHOP in Meadville, PA. More details to be provided at a later time on this.

If you have any questions or would like more information on the financial management of The Altar IHOP, Tokyo please contact us.

If you would like to contribute and support us financially, please also contact us.

The Altar IHOP, Tokyo

LINKS: mini-documentary on life in japan

This link includes an amazing video documenting the state of the church and change of vision Abba's putting into the hearts of His people in this hour.

Paul & Nancy Nethercott and Yu Shibuya are some individuals that I've interacted with in varying degrees in recent history. It was a pleasant surprise to see all three of them appear in this video.

I've been in Japan since 1999 and involved with active ministry since about 2004. At this point, I have a pretty fair feeling for the culture and environment of the nation. I think this video is a very, very accurate picture of how things are in this day both inside and outside of the church.

The church is starting to recognize more and more, in order to reach the nation, things have got to change in our approach to "doing" ministry.

This is where the houses of prayer, in their many forms, are a keystone. Churches all over are starting to incorporate "prayer rooms" and reports of houses of prayer getting started are coming from all directions in these last 6 months.

The house of prayer movement starting to sweep over Japan in this hour is one of those vital changes that needs to take place.
If we, as believers, desire to see any manner of lasting change sweep the eastern nations we must firmly fix prayer and time spent with Jesus as an utmost priority establishing it even as the foundation of our walk with Him.
It will be from and within this dwelling place that we- the body of Christ- will emerge with the plans and strategies necessary for disipling and transforming the nations and subsequently the region.

My hope is that through watching this video (it's about 25 minutes) you will have a better idea of how to pray not only for the Japanese people themselves but also, how the church needs to be built up in this season.

If you have any questions after watching this video and would like more information on ministry in Japan, direction on how to pray or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.
video: TEAM Japan, "A New Generation"
until His Glory covers the East,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

LINKS: OnFire Japan

Hi there!

This site is a ministry by Jef & Aya Lindscott located in Western Japan. They translate a lot of Bethel Church's (Bill Johnson's church in Redding, CA) podcasts into Japanese and make them available for the Japanese speaking audience.

It's good stuff! Please share with your friends/family who know Japanese Christians and or who speak Japanese. The have an English section too for those who'd like to know more.

Thank you Abba for setting up people who can translate kingdom truths into Japanese and for all those whom you are training and raising up to do the same!
Grace, glory & fire!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Q&A: What is Harp & Bowl style worship?

Question: What is Harp & Bowl worship?

Answer: It is a type of worship that is modeled after Revelations 5:8 which refers to "harps" and "bowls." The "harp" represents music coming from musical instruments. The "bowl" represents the prayers of the saints which are rising up before the throne of God.
An easy way to picture this style of worship is to think of it as prayer that is spoken or sung along with music.
A unique feature of this style worship is that it can be sustained without ceasing for long periods of time. One of the reasons is due to the use of scripture as a song book. In addition, when singing the scriptures, a type of call and response singing is used called antiphonal singing. This is where two semi-independent choirs interact with one another, often singing alternate musical phrases.

An important point to be aware of- the main focus of Harp & Bowl worship is not on the singers or the musicians but on the One being worshiped.

Below are some scripture references that highlight: singers, songs, musical instruments, worship

"the voice of the singers at the watering places. They recite the righteous acts of the LORD, the righteous acts of his warriors in Israel..." Judges 5.11

"David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers to sing joyful songs, accompanied by musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals." 1 Chronicles 15.16

"David, together with the commanders of the army, set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals..." 1 Chronicles 25.1

"All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: "He is good; his love endures forever." Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple of God." 2 Chronicles 5.12-14

"Hezekiah gave the order to sacrifice the burnt offering on the altar. As the offering began, singing to the LORD began also, accompanied by trumpets and the instruments of David king of Israel. The whole assembly bowed in worship, while the singers sang and the trumpeters played. All this continued until the sacrifice of the burnt offering was completed. When the offerings were finished, the king and everyone present with him knelt down and worshiped." 2 Chronicles 29.27-29

"...the singers responsible for the service of the house of God." Nemiah 11.22

"For long ago, in the days of David and Asaph, there had been directors for the singers and for the songs of praise and thanksgiving to God." Nemiah 12.46

" filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5.18-20

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3.16

Q&A: Do you do Harp & Bowl style worship?

Question: Do you do harp & bowl style worship?

Answer: Yes and... no.

At the moment, I (Jennifer Gracey) am the only one who plays a musical instrument (guitar) and attends regularly.

I don't consider myself a worship leader or for that matter all that skilled with the guitar (self-taught, started in Jan. 2006) though, the heart and passion I have for worship are the driving forces which compel me to attempt to lead others in any kind of musical God experience. I will say, the Holy Spirit likes to show up :-) so, at the very least- His presence will manifest and that's always a huge blessing!

Harp & Bowl is a rather new concept in Japan as is the HOP model so both are going to have a season of growing into. We have a very loose form of harp & bowl that is definately the begining of what will eventually become the full blown harp & bowl model many are familiar with.

Right now, because of our location, we can't do much musical worship on Monday sessions. However, our Wednesday sessions lend themselves more to the environment for Harp & Bowl style worship.

We do our best with what we've got and are waiting with great expectation for the day Abba sends us a full fledged worship team.

ANNOUNCEMENT: new blog post series called "Q&A"

Greetings all!

Please look for a new addition to our new blog series titled "Q & A."

Recently there have been several of the same question coming from various sources and it makes sense to post them up here for all to see.

Hopefully we'll answer your questions as well as give the rest of the world more of an inside look at how things work at The Altar IHOP, Tokyo.

Generally speaking, there will be one question and one answer per post. Please do feel free to ask if your question/answer is not posted or not found.

Grace to you!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

LINKS: exciting new find

Hi again all!

I got an inquiry the other day as to whether or not I knew if there were any other IHOPs in Asia. To be honest, I had no idea how to answer that. I know of HOPs starting around Tokyo and I know of churches getting into the 24/7 prayer & worship thing but IHOPs in particular... that drew a total blank. That is until about 10 minutes ago when I was struck with the brilliant idea to do a google search for "house of prayer asia." (haha... oh the simple things hey?)

Well, that search turned up.... (drum roll please)

South East Asia House of Prayer
Talk about exciting yeah?!

While some parts of their website are still under construction at this time, they have some basic information up. I'd like to encourage you to take a look at it and say a prayer and/or several for them. As I'm sure you can imagine, the spiritual climate in Thailand is probably pretty similar to Japan in many ways. i.e. on the frontlines and intense pretty much all the time.

What is there to say but, "raise up more of them Abba!!!"

Friday, April 3, 2009

Map & Directions

The Altar IHOP, Tokyo is currently meeting at a café in Kanda (Tokyo area) on Monday & Wednesday evenings.

Train Stations, Train Lines & Exit Names:
Please use the JR Kanda station (west exit)
Ginza Subway line Kanda station (exit #5)

Easiest Route:
Ginza Subway Line

  1. Get off the train and look for the exit at the end of the platform that has stairs leading upwards. This will take you to the ticket gates which lead to exit #5. Special Note: this subway exit closes at 9pm

  2. Go up the exit #5 stairs to street level. On your left will be a large street. On your right will be some shops.

  3. Directly behind you, there will be an am/pm convenience store, a smaller side street between you and the am/pm and a large intersection/crosswalk.

  4. Walk across large intersection/crosswalk (traffic light #1) and follow the smaller side street until you come to another large main street. On the way, you will pass by a Japanese restaurant called “Yayoiken” (diagonal from the first am/pm) and a fruit/veg stand (on the right side at the corner of traffic light #2)You will see another am/pm on the right corner.

  5. Directly across from the second am/pm (traffic light #3) is a building on the corner with a big sign called “big vision” (this is in Japanese but a smaller sign just above the entrance is in English)

  6. The café is in that building, the B1 floor. There will be 1 or 2 signs out front of the building entrance with “The Decision” on it. That is the name of the café. Please go down the stairs to the café.
JR Train Lines

  1. Use the west exit. As you pass through the ticket gates, turn to the right. You will go down some steps and be directly on the street level.

  2. Turn to your right and go straight along this street. You will see a Family Mart convenience store on the left corner of the first major road. Cross the intersection/crosswalk and continue to go straight along this street.

  3. You will pass by an office supply store (Office Today) and another convenience store called Sanks. These will both be on the right side of the street.

  4. At the first traffic light after passing Sanks convenience store, turn left.

  5. Go straight on this street until you come to another traffic light and a large intersection/crosswalk. There will be an am/pm convenience store on the right corner.

  6. Directly across from the second am/pm is a building on the corner with a big sign called “big vision” (this is in Japanese but a smaller sign just above the entrance is in English)

  7. The café is in that building, the B1 floor. There will be 1 or 2 signs out front of the building entrance with “The Decision” on it. That is the name of the café. Please go down the stairs to the café.
The number to the café is: 03.5217.3311
The address is:
Takada Bldg. B1 2-9-1 Daiichi Takada Building
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0048

Jennifer’s cell phone number & email is: 090.6477.5696
Please call or email if you have any trouble.


現在、The Altar IHOP東京は月曜&水曜日の夜、神田のカフェにて集会を行っています。

最寄り駅:地下鉄銀座線神田駅(出口5番) JR神田(出口:西口)





Directly behind you, there will be an convenience store, a smaller side street between you and the am/pm and a large intersection/crosswalk.

4.大きな交差店/横断歩道(信号機No.1)を渡って、もう一つの大通りに来るまで小さな通りにそって歩いてください。道の途中でやよい軒という和食屋さんOn (diagonal from the first am/pm)と果物・野菜屋さん(右側の信号機No.2の角)の横を通ります。そして右角に再び別のam/pmがあります。

5.そのam/pm (信号機No.3) を越えたところの角にビッグビジョンという大きな看板のかかったビルがあります。。(これは日本語で書かれていますが、入り口の上の小さな看板は英語です。)

6.カフェはそのビルの地下1階にあります。ビルの入り口にThe Decisionと書かれた看板が置かれています。The Decisionがカフェの名前です。階段を下ってカフェにいらしてください。




3.オフィス用品店(Office Today)、サンクスの横を通ります。これらのお店は通りの右側にあります。



7.カフェはそのビルの地下1階にあります。ビルの入り口にThe Decisionと書かれた看板が置かれています。The Decisionがカフェの名前です。階段を下ってカフェにいらしてください。

カフェ電話番号: 03.5217.3311

住所: 〒101-0048東京都千代田区神田司町2-9-1第一高田ビルB1

The Alter IHOP東京 ディレクター連絡先:ジェニファー・グレイシー

携帯電話番号: 090.6477.5696(英語)




日本語連絡先: 佐藤 学美

携帯電話番号: 090.5537.8370(日本語)