According to Interesting Top 10 Lists Blog, 6 of the 10 largest cities in the world(based on population)are located in Asia.
#10 shanghai
#8 manila
#5 mumbai (bombay)
#4 dehli
#2 seoul
#1 tokyo
According to worldatlas.com, 4 of the 10 largest cities in the world(based on population)are located in Asia.
#9 calcutta
#6 shanghai
#3 mumbai (bombay)
#1 tokyo
According to citypopulation.de, 6 of the 10 largest cities in the world(based on population)are located in Asia.
#10 shanghai
#8 manila
#5 mumbai (bombay)
#4 delhi
#2 seoul
#1 tokyo
According to geography.about.com -list 1, 6 of the 10 largest cities in the world(based on population)are located in Asia.
#9 jakarta
#8 mumbai (bombay)
#7 manila
#6 osaka-kobe-kyoto
#4 seoul-incheon
#1 tokyo
According to geography.about.com -list 2, 6 of the 10 largest cities in the world(based on population)are located in Asia.
#10 jakarta
#9 shanghai
#7 dehli
#6 mumbai (bombay)
#3 seoul
#1 tokyo
The information from these sources dates from 2005 to 2008. The numbers posted on these lists for the population of Tokyo range from 28 million to 34 million individuals who live in and around the metropolis. And surely, it's been noted that on each of these lists, Tokyo is number one. This is every bit as much interesting as it is impressive. One cannot help but find themselves in contemplation, "What are your plans for the largest metropolis in the world Lord?"
In the days of Jonah, the city of Nineveah was also a large city and quite possibly the "Tokyo" of its day and age. In a conversation between God and a very disgruntled Jonah, God clearly spoke His heart to Jonah (Jonah 4.11),
"...Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"
If we apply this to our day and time, we could also read this passage as follows:
"... Tokyo has more than 30 million people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and uncountable numbers of animals as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"
"Should I not be concerned...?," says God.
Can you hear His voice thunder as He speaks those words?
"Should I NOT BE CONCERNED for the city of Tokyo? For the Nation of Japan?..."
What will happen if we begin to pray, as if lives depended on it, for God to raise up and release those who are called to preach and walk in the anointing of Jonah? If we begin to pray for God to raise up and anoint each one of us with the mantle of Jonah that we may go into our own "cities" and release His Word in those places...
We don't have much record of Jonah's sermons other than he issued a call of repentence ahead of impending consequence. (Jonah 3.4) We don't really know exactly how he delivered his message other than he started delivering the message at one location and finished three days later. Scholars even speculate as to whether or not Jonah's message was delivered to other cities which were within the neighboring area or to every home and neighborhood within the city walls. We do know though, the words from Jonah's mouth struck the hammer of the Lord against stony hearts of a people.
And we also know, the words Jonah released into the atmosphere of that great city shook her and resonated within her like a gong. The people, from the greatest to the smallest dressed in garments of humility and fasted. (Jonah 3.5-7)
Let us pray then for this vision to come to pass. For, if God is able to turn a single heart, He is well able to turn a city. If He can turn a city then, turn a nation. And if He can turn a nation, He can also turn an entire region. Even if the city be Tokyo and the region be Asia.
"... nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." 1 Samuel 14.6
"Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?..." Isaiah 66.8
The Spirit and the Bride say, "amen & come Lord Jesus."
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