Leviticus 6.12 states, "The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out..."
The fire.
On the altar.
Must be.
Kept burning.
It must.
NOT go out.
This was before access to such deep underground treasures as natural gas and oil. This was before oil pipelines, refineries and gas mains. This was before furnaces and boilers. This was before basements to keep the furnaces and boilers in.
The fire.
On the altar.
Must be.
Kept burning.
It must.
NOT go out.
This sounds like a pilot light. And being from a place like Alaska, pilot lights are essential to life. In winter, if the pilot light goes out- the whole house freezes. Water pipes turn to ice. Showers, toilets, washing machines stop working. There is no heat. Stone cold.
The fire.
On the altar.
Must be.
Kept burning.
It must.
NOT go out.
If the water is frozen... if there is no heat source... in winter, in Alaska and places like it- you die. It's a non-negotiable truth in this realm. And if that is a non-negotiable truth in this realm, why would it be different in the next?
If we look at the fire on the altar as it really is- the sacrifice of our praise and worship. The sacrifice from our lips, our hearts... our minds set after Him and IF those sacrifices are not placed upon His altar, the fire will stop burning. It will go out.
The pilot light will be snuffed out because the source of its burning is cut off.
So, what has this to do with anything? Especially a House of Prayer? Well, a picture Abba's been painting the past few years is of "the church" as one building. With the prayer rooms in the basement.
The prayer rooms, the Houses of Prayer- they are the furnace... they are THE pilot light of the building called "church." If there are no prayer rooms, the building goes cold. The activities of the building cease because the water of the Spirit stops flowing. It freezes.
This is on every level. A multi-tired operation which, when brought together, equals the whole.
It is personal.
It is by family. Bible study group. Church fellowship on the corner. It is denominational and ministerial. It is national and it is universal.
The old testament describes the groupings in such terms as families, clans, tribes, etc.
I feel God speaking in this hour with an urgency for His people to understand the absolute necessity of prayer & worship. We have mistakenly understood the function and purpose of both.
Looking at prayer & worship in comparison to a simple pilot light found in one's basement offers insight into a much needed paradigm shift for many of us.
We literally become the pilot light burning as we pray & worship. We burn BLUE! Though small, and most often kept in a hidden part of the building structure, this is the hottest part of a flame. As we burn, we are literally tapped into THE source of OIL rather than A source of oil.
Because we are tapped into THE source of oil, we BURN hot enough to heat the WHOLE house as we interceede.
"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire..." Deuteronomy 4.24
"... consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it." 2 Samuel 22.9 & Psalm 18.8
"See, the Name of the LORD comes from afar, ... and his tongue is a consuming fire." Isaiah 30.27
"...for our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12.29
A characteristic unique to the HOP, Tokyo is our location. I believe it is a prophetic illustration of this truth. Cafe' Decision which currently hosts the HOP, Tokyo is located in the basement of a building called "Big Vision." And inside of Cafe' Decision is a downstairs and an upstairs.
We usually meet for prayer meetings and fellowship gatherings in the upper room underground. To elaborate on the symbolism, the fire of the Spirt fell upon those who were present in the upper room on the day of pentecost. This was THE prayer meeting if that century! (Acts ch 1.12-14 & 2.1-4)
It seems to me, God is making a statement. There is a Big Vision for the upper room which is underground. If that's the case, fire will fall from above and burn up from below. There is high potential for a pretty hot furnace. May we be a people who live daily in the middle of it.
December 4, 2008
Additonal Note:
An interesting bit of Pilot Light trivia.
A sign that the gas being burned is pure and without mixture is the blue color of the flame. When it contains orange or yellow flames, there is a source other than pure gas being burned.
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