The Event
On December 26, 2004 the earth shook just off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. It shook as though it were a gong struck by a sledge hammer calling for and demanding humanity's attention. It resonated not only in the natural realm but first and foremost in the spirit realm. There was an undeniable change which took place that day- and while something was toppled among the ruling thrones & powers of the Asian Region, we have yet to see the full manifestation of this event. However, we can all be certain, it is coming soon. Much, much sooner than any of us think.
The Prophecy
The first public prophecy I delivered at The Altar IHOP in Meadville, PA (early February, 2005) was in relationship to the earthquake. During worship, I saw a picture of my hands covering my eyes. At first, I couldn't see anything and it was very dark. Then, I separated my fingers just a bit and was able to see through the cracks. As I saw this picture, I felt the Spirit was saying, "THIS is what has been accomplished in Asia." As I was thinking on this, the following scripture passed through my mind, "The people walking (living) in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." Isaiah 9.2 (NIV) & Matthew 4.16 (NIV)
The word accompanying this vision was something akin to, "the spiritual darkness that has been covering over Asia is giving way and My LIGHT is starting to shine through." The word followed along the same lines as John 1.5 which states, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." (NLT)
Below is the prayer I felt compelled to post on a prayer list in response to the earthquake. The original posting of this prayer was January 5, 2005. The list, which I am still a part of, is operated by a ministry called GodSpeak International.
The Prayer
As one who has been living in Asia for the past 6 years (10 as of this blog posting) and has seen with my own eyes the power false religions have over those who claim to practice them, I feel led to pray like this....
You O God who have given over into our hands all power over the enemy, the keys to doors in heaven and on the earth- the words to command that whatsoever is opened in the heavens to be opened and whatsoever is to be closed in the heavens to be closed also, upon the earth. The power to refute every attack and accusation of the enemy, the access to your thrones of Mercy and of Grace. Lips and mouths to petition for nations and your promise therein that if we come to you and ASK of you- that you WILL give us the nations as our inheritance.
You O God, who have caused Kings to write such things as Psalm 144 that state it is YOU who teaches us to battle and to war. You, Mighty God, who gives us access to the weapons in your store rooms and instructs us to use them. You Holy of Holies- who gives us the courage to go out and stand before giants with only a sling and a stone. It is You O God the God of gods, the God of the LIVING we come to in times of need.
Father I speak out and I declare that your will and your perfect plan for the nations of Asia will be accomplished. That NO POWER, NO PRINCIPALITY, NO DOMINION, NOR ANY OTHER WHO COMES TO TAKE UP A STAND AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER. I say that when the enemy comes in like a flood the LORD will raise up a standard against him. I say that even the LORD LAUGHS at the enemy knowing that his time to afflict and do damage has worn itself dreadfully short. I say that in the midst of this disaster the LORD is STILL seated on his throne and he sees to it that ALL things work themselves out for the good of those who love him and who are CALLED according to his purposes.
I PROCLAIM from the mountain tops that the WORD of the LORD is a double edged SWORD that is LIVING, ACTIVE AND FULL OF POWER- that it is able to cut between soul and spirit, bone and marrow... that the AX is at the root of the tree and the Word of God does not go out and return void but that it FULLY accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent. These weapons of our warfare are not carnal but MIGHTY to the PULLING DOWN of strongholds. I say that the ARMY of the LORD is at the enemies gates and he is powerless to defend them.
LORD GOD OF HEAVEN, by your word I speak and I say the ties which have held these people of Asia and the Middle East to these religions and gods that are not of You... are being severed and cut away. That the curse of death over this region is broken away and canceled out by the blood of Jesus your Only Son. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Life and Freedom- there can be no darkness because the LORD is LIGHT. The 3 monkeys representing "see no evil, hear no evil and do no evil" that are prominently displayed in Buddhist temples... these that actually blind and deafen people from understanding or being open to the Word of the LORD- YOU HAVE NO Power here anymore. I say that the blind see, the deaf hear and those who have not up until this time been able to understand or accept Jesus Christ as Lord WILL understand and see him with their own eyes. That they will hear him with their own ears.... I say to you nations of Asia whom satan has had such power over for so long... I say to you enemy who has kept these people in prison and from knowing their GOD for so very many ages, I say to the Host of Heaven who set out to do the will of the Lord upon the earth, there is FREEDOM in this place and the dry bones of Asia in these last days are being raised.
I say that God has come to Asia and the enemy will not stand against Him. For more are on our side than those on the side of the enemy. I say Holy Sprit come down here and fill up this place with people who can't get enough of You. I say where there is light the darkness can NOT overcome it. I stand and I shout from the top of my voice there IS LIGHT IN THIS DARKNESS. For the Lord spoke into the darkness and said, "let there be light" and there was light. In this place O God Let there be light. Not just light God, but such an explosion of it that it causes the entire western world to take notice.
Yes King of kings. You have come to Asia that we may have life and have it abundantly. You restore all that the worms have eaten away. You allow calamity and disaster to prepare hearts and minds for you and your grace. Prepare these hearts. Prepare these minds from the top of Siberia to the tip of the Philippines and every nation and every people that is on the coast of the Pacific Ocean from the North to the South. Come down here O God and do a work, a mighty work in this place that all may see and know and acknowledge YOU ARE THE LORD.
Yes God, it is time for us to rise up and PROCLAIM FREEDOM FOR THE CAPTIVES AND DELIVERANCE FOR THOSE IN CHAINS. It is time O King for the enemy to be put to shame. Let not thee be put to shame O Lord in this place but the enemy who hates thee- let him be put to shame. Let those who would destroy thee be scattered O God, that those who hate thee flee before thee. Yes Lord, rise up and let your enemies be scattered, a footstool- they shall be a footstool at your very feet.
Voices like trumpets and steps of thunder come forth and gather round, proclaim the Glory of the Lord in this place. Who is so Great as our God? From the first of them to the last of them it is HE who lays claim to all things. It was by him that all things have been created, who are you O enemy to withhold from the Lord that which is His? The earth and the fullness therein belong to him. Send forth the captives, send them forth for the Lord God Almighty has need of these. Again, who are you O enemy that you are able to withhold from He?
Our mouths are open God and we are asking you to fill them, we roar for our prey like the lions- like the young lions. For the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Praise and Glory and Honor be to the Rider of the White Horse, the Man of War who has trained our fingers to battle and our hands to war. Not by might or by power but by Your Spirit O God for nothing is impossible with you. Holy Holy Holy, all Glory and Honor be to thee O King. Worthy Worthy is the Lamb of Glory- the Lamb who was Slain. For Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives as we sup at the table in the presence of our enemy. Let thy will be done in the heavens and upon the earth, not our will O God but yours. Have your way in Asia Father. Have your way in this place.
In the Name of Jesus to which all will bow their knee- amen and amen.
You O God who have given over into our hands all power over the enemy, the keys to doors in heaven and on the earth- the words to command that whatsoever is opened in the heavens to be opened and whatsoever is to be closed in the heavens to be closed also, upon the earth. The power to refute every attack and accusation of the enemy, the access to your thrones of Mercy and of Grace. Lips and mouths to petition for nations and your promise therein that if we come to you and ASK of you- that you WILL give us the nations as our inheritance.
You O God, who have caused Kings to write such things as Psalm 144 that state it is YOU who teaches us to battle and to war. You, Mighty God, who gives us access to the weapons in your store rooms and instructs us to use them. You Holy of Holies- who gives us the courage to go out and stand before giants with only a sling and a stone. It is You O God the God of gods, the God of the LIVING we come to in times of need.
Father I speak out and I declare that your will and your perfect plan for the nations of Asia will be accomplished. That NO POWER, NO PRINCIPALITY, NO DOMINION, NOR ANY OTHER WHO COMES TO TAKE UP A STAND AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER. I say that when the enemy comes in like a flood the LORD will raise up a standard against him. I say that even the LORD LAUGHS at the enemy knowing that his time to afflict and do damage has worn itself dreadfully short. I say that in the midst of this disaster the LORD is STILL seated on his throne and he sees to it that ALL things work themselves out for the good of those who love him and who are CALLED according to his purposes.
I PROCLAIM from the mountain tops that the WORD of the LORD is a double edged SWORD that is LIVING, ACTIVE AND FULL OF POWER- that it is able to cut between soul and spirit, bone and marrow... that the AX is at the root of the tree and the Word of God does not go out and return void but that it FULLY accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent. These weapons of our warfare are not carnal but MIGHTY to the PULLING DOWN of strongholds. I say that the ARMY of the LORD is at the enemies gates and he is powerless to defend them.
LORD GOD OF HEAVEN, by your word I speak and I say the ties which have held these people of Asia and the Middle East to these religions and gods that are not of You... are being severed and cut away. That the curse of death over this region is broken away and canceled out by the blood of Jesus your Only Son. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Life and Freedom- there can be no darkness because the LORD is LIGHT. The 3 monkeys representing "see no evil, hear no evil and do no evil" that are prominently displayed in Buddhist temples... these that actually blind and deafen people from understanding or being open to the Word of the LORD- YOU HAVE NO Power here anymore. I say that the blind see, the deaf hear and those who have not up until this time been able to understand or accept Jesus Christ as Lord WILL understand and see him with their own eyes. That they will hear him with their own ears.... I say to you nations of Asia whom satan has had such power over for so long... I say to you enemy who has kept these people in prison and from knowing their GOD for so very many ages, I say to the Host of Heaven who set out to do the will of the Lord upon the earth, there is FREEDOM in this place and the dry bones of Asia in these last days are being raised.
I say that God has come to Asia and the enemy will not stand against Him. For more are on our side than those on the side of the enemy. I say Holy Sprit come down here and fill up this place with people who can't get enough of You. I say where there is light the darkness can NOT overcome it. I stand and I shout from the top of my voice there IS LIGHT IN THIS DARKNESS. For the Lord spoke into the darkness and said, "let there be light" and there was light. In this place O God Let there be light. Not just light God, but such an explosion of it that it causes the entire western world to take notice.
Yes King of kings. You have come to Asia that we may have life and have it abundantly. You restore all that the worms have eaten away. You allow calamity and disaster to prepare hearts and minds for you and your grace. Prepare these hearts. Prepare these minds from the top of Siberia to the tip of the Philippines and every nation and every people that is on the coast of the Pacific Ocean from the North to the South. Come down here O God and do a work, a mighty work in this place that all may see and know and acknowledge YOU ARE THE LORD.
Yes God, it is time for us to rise up and PROCLAIM FREEDOM FOR THE CAPTIVES AND DELIVERANCE FOR THOSE IN CHAINS. It is time O King for the enemy to be put to shame. Let not thee be put to shame O Lord in this place but the enemy who hates thee- let him be put to shame. Let those who would destroy thee be scattered O God, that those who hate thee flee before thee. Yes Lord, rise up and let your enemies be scattered, a footstool- they shall be a footstool at your very feet.
Voices like trumpets and steps of thunder come forth and gather round, proclaim the Glory of the Lord in this place. Who is so Great as our God? From the first of them to the last of them it is HE who lays claim to all things. It was by him that all things have been created, who are you O enemy to withhold from the Lord that which is His? The earth and the fullness therein belong to him. Send forth the captives, send them forth for the Lord God Almighty has need of these. Again, who are you O enemy that you are able to withhold from He?
Our mouths are open God and we are asking you to fill them, we roar for our prey like the lions- like the young lions. For the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Praise and Glory and Honor be to the Rider of the White Horse, the Man of War who has trained our fingers to battle and our hands to war. Not by might or by power but by Your Spirit O God for nothing is impossible with you. Holy Holy Holy, all Glory and Honor be to thee O King. Worthy Worthy is the Lamb of Glory- the Lamb who was Slain. For Goodness and Mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives as we sup at the table in the presence of our enemy. Let thy will be done in the heavens and upon the earth, not our will O God but yours. Have your way in Asia Father. Have your way in this place.
In the Name of Jesus to which all will bow their knee- amen and amen.
May this posting bring blessing and an ignited passion for His passion.
Very true and powerful declaration. I am in 100% agreement, in Jesus name, Amen,and Amen!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the comment and the encouragement. May many blessings come to you!
grace & glory,