Note on PrayerOne of the most powerful tools we have for prayer is literally praying the scripture back to God. He goes so far as to tell us this directly through
Isaiah 55.11 and also
2 Timothy 3.16. He also tells us of the power that's held within a word through
Proverbs 18.21.
Psalm 18: Modified for JapanJapan loves you, O LORD, for you are her strength. The LORD is her rock, her fortress and her deliverer; Japan's God is her rock, in whom she takes refuge. He is her shield and the horn of her salvation, her stronghold.
Japan calls to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and she is saved from her enemies. The cords of death entangle her; the torrents of destruction overwhelm her. The cords of the grave coil around her; the snares of death confront her. Suicide harasses her, isolation and conformation torment her. Materialism woos her while emptiness gnaws at her.
In her distress she calls to the LORD; Japan cries to her God for help. From his temple he hears her voice; her cry comes before him, into his ears.
The earth trembles and quakes, and the foundations of the mountains shake; they tremble because he was angry. Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blaze out of it.
He parts the heavens and comes down; dark clouds are under his feet. He mounts the cherubim and flies; he soares on the wings of the wind. He mades darkness his covering, his canopy around him—the dark rain clouds of the sky.
Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advance, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The LORD thunderes from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounds. He shoots his arrows and scatteres the enemies, great bolts of lightning and routes them.
The valleys of the sea will be exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of breath from your nostrils.
He is reachng down from on high and taking hold of Japan; he is drawing her out of deep waters rescuing her from her powerful enemy, from her foes, who are too strong for her. They confront her in the day of her disaster, but the LORD is Japan's support.
He is bringing Japan out into a spacious place; he is rescuing Japan
The LORD has dealt with Japan according to the righteousness she is starting to walk in; according to the cleanness of the hands she is begining to cry out for and he is rewarding her for this.
For Japan is becoming a nation that keeps the ways of the LORD; and will no longer continue to do evil by turning from her God. All his laws are before her; she will cease to turn away from his decrees. She will stand and is now begining to stand blameless before him, she is learning to keep herself from sin. The LORD will
reward Japan according to her righteousness, according to the cleanness of her hands in his sight.
To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.
You, O LORD, keep Japan's lamp burning; her God turns her darkness into light.
With your help she can advance against a troop; with her God she can scale a wall.
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?
It is God who arms Japan with the strength required to turn to him and it is God who makes her way perfect.
He makes her feet like the feet of a deer; he enables her to stand on the heights. He trains her hands for battle; her arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You give Japan your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains her; you stoop down to make her great. You broaden the path beneath her, so that her ankles do not turn.
She pursues her enemies and will soon overtake them; she will not turn back till they are destroyed. She will crush them so that they cannot rise; they will fall beneath her feet.
You arm Japan with strength for battle; you make her adversaries bow at her feet. You make her enemies turn their backs in flight, and she destroys her foes.
Though they cry for help, but there will be no one to save them— to the LORD, but he will not answer. She will beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind; she will pour them out like mud in the streets. You will deliver Japan from the attacks of the evil one; you will make her well known among the nations; an example to the world of a nation walking in righteousness before you.
As soon as the enemy hears her cry out to you O God, he cringes before her. They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds and flee away as though they were nothing.
The LORD lives! Praise be to Japan's Rock! Exalted be God Japan's Savior! He is the God who avenges her, who subdues the enemy under her, who saves her from her enemies. You are exalting Japan above her foes; from violence and evil, from lust and perversion, from unbelief, rebellion and godlessness of every kind, you are rescuing Japan because of your great love for her.
Japan will praise you among the nations, O LORD;
she will sing praises to your name. He gives nations that love him great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed and to their descendants forever.
Japan Among the NationsCome Abba, raise up Japan from the dust and ashes that she may lead other Asian nations in worship of the Living God. One drop of Jesus' blood was enough to accomplish this. Send your heavenly host to wake up Japan's slumbering spirit that she may rise from the dead as mighty army of true samurai- loyal until death to the Master.
Japan is called to be a warring tribe- a mighty warrior people who contend for the things of the kindgom yet she has been rendered powerless and complacient under a stupor of false humility and apathy. She has a form of godliness but denys the power Father. She denys the poer because she does not yet have a love relationship with you.
Japan and the Japanese people are only one... ONE revelation away from the LIGHT of LIFE Abba- open the doors of revelation over Japan and the Japanese peoples. Open the doors that they may become who you designed them to be. Open the doors that Japan may fulfill her purpose for this generation as was the case with David. Open the doors of revelation that this people may take their rightful place among the nations.