Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We Are ONE!!!

On November 5, 2009...

The Altar IHOP, Tokyo will be one year old!

(yay Abba!!!)

Please come and join us at any one of our sessions the first week of November to celebrate the wonderful things God has done with us this past year.

Thanks so much and we are looking forward to seeing you.
The Altar IHOP, Tokyo

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The Altar IHOP | Tokyo has a You Tube channel!

We've go a "how we got started" video posted as well as some links to other you tube video clips that the Lilley's of Fire & Fragrance (YWAM association) have been posting while visiting in Japan.

Please take a moment to look when you get a chance. There's some good stuff up there that will give you an idea of what's going on with the prayer movement in Japan.

Grace & Glory,

The Altar IHOP | Tokyo's You Tube Channel: click here